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 Forum Index —› Test Unterforum ABC —› Car names and their meanings

Autor Mitteilung

Gesendet: 06:21 - 21.03.2007

AUDI: Another Ugly Deutsche Invention

BMW: Brings Me Women

FIAT: Failure in Italian Automotive Technology

FORD: Fast Only Rolling Downhill or For Only Rough Drivers

HYUNDAI: Hope You Understand Nothing's Drivable And Inexpensive...

VOLVO: Very Odd Looking Vehicular Object

PORSCHE: Proof of Rich Spoiled Children Having Everything

KIA: Kills in Accidents

OPEL: Old People Ending Lives

GOLF/GTI: Girls Only Love Fun / Get Them Inside

HONDA: Hanged Over, Now Driving Away

POLO: Panties off Legs Open

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- Car names and their meanings -

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 Forum Index —› Test Unterforum ABC —› Car names and their meanings

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